Friday, February 22, 2013

Superpower Ring

I was blessed enough to travel to Banff in April of last year to attend a workshop at The Banff Centre. It was a phenomenal experience. I spent a week talking about writing with people who loved to write. It validated my efforts to write and made me rethink the definition of 'a writer' - could I perhaps BE one, already? Shopping in Banff I had to restrain myself because the trip was already more expensive that we could afford. But, com'on, I had to get something, right? I found a ring. It is a circular piece of ammolite set in silver - not unlike the Green Lantern's ring but way cooler. I was told that ammolite was found in the local mountains, part of ancient shells. It's iridescent, shimmering different colours depending on the angle of the light.

The ring was meant to be a souvenir of my trip, but it has become a reminder of how I felt there. It's my Writer Ring and it gives me super powers to BE a writer, not just someone who writes.


Monday, February 18, 2013


I just signed it! It's a done deal! I'll let you know more details when I can share them, the picture looks better without graffiti but right now the details are not my news to share!

I spent today (another snow day) editing. I've been through the story four complete times, and many times in parts, but 'my publisher' (yeah, I'll throw that in anywhere I can) has given me suggestions for improvement so I'm going through again with those in mind. It's great to have another set of eyes look at your work - I don't know about others but I can only go so far with my own words before I stop reading them at all. The suggestions made so far are smart and effective - I'm excited to see how my story will morph into something bigger :) The process can be just as interesting as the end product, feel free to follow along.


Saturday, February 09, 2013

Snow storm

We have a crazy existence here: four kids in basketball, swimming, music, three in hockey... we never get a break. I love every minute of it, but it can be exhausting. Today is a storm day - everything is cancelled, even the Mooseheads game at which Wen was supposed to play a Timbit intermission game! So we're all holed up at home, watching old movies and eating chips in our pjs.

And I've started my editing.

Writing a book isn't all that hard, you think of what happens and write it down. Editing is another story altogether. I'm not all that creative. Maybe that's my problem. Once I've seen a solution to a problem, or a way to do something, it is very hard for me to see it from a different perspective, to see a different way to do it. So I can read what I've written and know it kinda sucks, but it's very hard to change it to make it better. It's tough! But I'm excited to see it develop.


Monday, February 04, 2013

Snow day

Maybe 'snow day' should be renamed to 'Terrible Mom Day'. I had a chance to spend the day with my kids but I was soooo close to wrapping up my second novel - getting the first draft foundation done - that I couldn't pull myself away. Instead I let them have screens (video games and tv) for free (without having to earn it) and forced them to go play outside - egads! Of course the venture into the snow only lasted thirteen minutes. I did make them chocolate chip pancakes to try and make up for it. I also did two loads of dishes and am writing this to procrastinate doing my third to try to even out the wifey part. When I write, I can get so lost in the story that it's hard to pull myself out to do what I'm 'supposed' to do with the rest of my responsibilities. I get why some writers end up being reclusive assholes!


Friday, February 01, 2013


I woke up  super early this morning when it was really still night. I was awake just long enough to wonder what day was coming up. At first I thought it was Thursday but then I realized it was Friday morning which meant the day spent with my computer and my cats. I was pretty happy falling back to sleep.


#GoodDay Reviews

Charlie's Story on Wattpad

Game Plan on Wattpad

Nine on Wattpad

My other Distraction