I've been alluding to super cool news lately and a lot of things are happening. It's so exciting to see the release unfold - plans for the release party, the final editing from the copy editor, the cover reveal, blog tours, review requests... so exciting.
I can give you a tidbit. You know that part on the cover of a book where someone who knows what they're talking about gives a once sentence review to encourage you to buy it? That's a blurb. And I didn't know the process of obtaining that before - I just figured someone wrote a review and whomever made the cover picked a part of that to put on the cover... not so. My publisher identified someone in the field who would have clout and asked them if they'd read and provide a blurb - that's how it's done. At least this time. I can't tell you who, or what she said. My mean publisher (who's name rhymes with 'mean') says I can say 'soon' but I argued that a timeline would provide anticipation so she said 'a few weeks' which isn't really my definition of soon. 'Snot my fault.
So stay tuned b/c it's freakin' amazing. Soon. Ish.