I had my blog post already composed in my head... then the ending changed.
Yesterday when I was towelling off from my shower my necklace caught on the towel and opened so that the pendant slipped off. When I noticed it the necklace was open and the pendant was gone.
I was given the pendant by my parents several Christmases ago. They had it adapted at the jeweller to replace four of the diamonds in the design for my kids' birthstones - two blues, a green and a purple. I've worn it pretty much every day since, never really taking it off.
And just like that it was gone.
I knew it was in the bedroom or bathroom but I'm not all that tidy of a person. My husband and I have a unique filing system, the piles of clothes and stuff get kind of out of control...
I couldn't take much time to look for the charm when it went missing - it was nearly 6:00 am and I had to race two chicklets out the door for hockey practice. I thought about it all day and when I finally had some time at 8:30 last night I went through every pile in the path I supposed it might be, shaking each piece of clothing out listening intently for a ping of the charm falling on the laminate floor. Nothing. I put away my ginormous collection of hoodies. I even found my missing car keys in the process... but not what I was searching for.
There's something about missing a thing that has become a part of you. A thing that you don't really even think of much until it's gone, and its absence becomes bigger and more pressing than it's quiet presence had been. After I'd shaken out and 'refiled' the last of the piles I didn't know where to look next. Steve assured me "it's here somewhere, it'll show up" but that didn't help much. Or at all. Without any further place to look, I got ready for bed. As I changed, the pendant fell out of the clothes I was wearing, the clothes I'd worn all day.
Even as I'd looked, it had been there with me hidden and safe. So you can draw your own hokey conclusions to this story - "you don't appreciate what you have until it's gone" or "what you're searching for is nearer to you than you can imagine" or "you'll find something once you stop searching"... Me? I'm getting a stronger necklace.