Last week SUCKED.
I'll spare you the narrative and write you a list:
- Snow-filled travel through three provinces for a hockey tournament
- Super surprise brake failure including 1hr tow and $800 mechanic bill
- Schedule uncertainty due to pending weather bomb
- Disappointed chicks with sticks due to shortened stay away
- Snow-filled travel back through three provinces
- Weather bomb
- Cancelled, rebooked, delayed (after we got to the airport through weather bombed roads), rebooked, delayed, rebooked, cancelled flights to get my heart set twelve year old out to BC to participate in the Canada Games he's worked hard for for three years.
- Heartbroken 12 year old
- New authorly job posting
- Unsuccessful and frantic errands
- Evil rotten 10 year old
- Regular hockey schedule
- Sick day (probably due to all of the above imploding in my head).
Stress. Capital S. Capitol? Big S.
When I was waiting for a friend to save me from the mechanic shop and deliver me back to my abandoned chicks with sticks I was on the brink of manic laughter or hysterical tears... I wasn't sure which I just knew it wasn't going to be pretty... Then I remembered there was a bookstore a few blocks away. So I texted her to meet me there instead and hiked over (I call it hiked b/c of the snow drifts). It was just a regular big-box-store bookstore, but when I walked between the books my stress level lowered, my shoulders relaxed, my breathing slowed... nothing was solved, nothing was better but I felt better just being there.
What is it about the presence of books that makes everything a little bit easier? Safer? Better? Anyone else feel that way too?