Monday, August 31, 2015

A little birdie told me...

I've just spent the last fifteen minutes gazing at my calendar. It's hypnotic, all those squares of different colours, overlapping and competing. September is nutty: hockey tryouts, swimming and music start up swirled in with regular work. My old ladies ball team is trying to make up for a summer of rain outs during the month of September.

I need a clone or seven.

I secured a copy editor for my February release. Copy editors are a rare breed of bird, someone who can look at lines and lines of text to make sure the periods are all where they should be. Well and a little more than that. I'm not sure how they don't have permanently crossed eyes.

Today is about twits. Well no, tweets. I just think it's funnier to call them 'twits'. I need to improve the twits — tweets —that act as scaffolding for my story. I find it challenging to write authentic twits, especially those that may be posted/shared by YA. I'm ancient enough that I still type out every word, text in complete sentences. Throughout editing Game Plan and writing my next two novels (especially this one) that has probably been my biggest challenge to make the story accurate for the audience - the use of social media as a tool of communication. It has also had the biggest payoff when I finally get it right.

Intrigued? Stay tuned.


Monday, August 24, 2015

Time Flies

Good morning!

How is it already August 24?

Bad news: School starts in just over a week.
Good news: Aptitude comes out in less than a month!!!

Can you believe it?

Today is about editing my story that is coming out in February - can't wait to share it with you. It seems like such a long time away but here we are a month away from Aptitude's release and *that* used to be worlds away so I'm sure it won't take long.

Don't forget Aptitude is available for preorder, and if you show the Fierce peeps your receipt you can be entered to win an Aptitude-minded prize package.


Friday, August 14, 2015


I've been AWOL I realize, lots of summer events - a week writing in PEI, two weeks not writing in Toronto, a week home with a new furry baby who comes with all the baggage expected with a soul who has had his trust broken over and over.

Lots has happened in the meantime!

Here's the biggest one:

Isn't it awesome???

Aptitude comes out NEXT MONTH!!!  Jo Treggiari, who wrote Ashes,Ashes said this:

"Akin to the haunting subtleties of Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale, and Lowry's The Giver, Natalie Corbett Sampson delivers in Aptitude, a richly-imagined dystopian world which seems scarily all to plausible."

It's available for preorder right now! And if you do preorder it you can enter a contest with Fierce Ink Press for a super cool prize. Check it out HERE.

Now, back to editing :) Vacation time is over.


#GoodDay Reviews

Charlie's Story on Wattpad

Game Plan on Wattpad

Nine on Wattpad

My other Distraction