Today's a writing day, but it's also a PD Day, which I've pointed out is less than productive... My plan today was to set The Great Room Clean and Switch in motion then hide in my room and write while they comply upstairs. Yeah right. Instead I'm searching the net for tattoo ideas b/c I'm way too frustrated to go near my vulnerable imaginary friends. I'm working through the 47 loads of laundry in the living room, and got sooo overwhelmed at one point that I pulled out some blue bags and started sorting it into 'wash' or 'donate' - that cut my loads down by a good third.
I've noticed through all this that my kids are spoiled. Rotten. I guess that's not new, it's just a reminder. They have waaay too much. Too much stuff. Too much say. Too much expectation. How do you teach a kid with EVERYTHING gratitude? humility? compassion? empathy? Gosh these are the days I feel like I'm screwing them up!
So no writing for me today... hopefully I'll carve out some time this weekend.
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