How awesome is this: CLICK HERE BUT COME BACK!
I can't tell you how impressed I am with this idea.
Someone twitted at me early this morning (that's how I stay current with the lingo, yo) that she was reading my book. Okay, she wasn't twitting at me, she was twitting to the rest of the twits... wait... she sent a tweet saying she was reading my book and included my 'handle' (that makes me feel like a cop) so it beeped on my phone. I thought 'Cool! My most awesome of awesome publisher-publicist found another blogger to review Game Plan' and didn't think much more of it until I asked who she was and how she'd come to have Game Plan for review. And then I was directed to Amy's page.
Holy toots, Batman.
In honour of Terry Fox and Rick Hansen, two great Canadian heroes, and in support of The Canadian Children's Book Centre Amy is 'reading across Canada'. She has decided to read ten pages per kilometre and to do that, read a book a day for the year of 2014. How coooool is that? I think it's a fantastic idea and I can't wait to follow along.
Have a look for her on Facebook and on Twitter if you're interested in following. I'm nervous now that she is reading or read Game Plan today... I really hope she liked it. I'm so honoured to be a teeny (well 1/365th) part of this project.
Thanks Amy!
Awesome - congratulations!!