It's been a bit since I was able to concentrate time and energy on my WIP, so I spent today organizing it to remember what the heck I was writing in the first place. I came across a good deal on Scrivener, a writing software I had considered purchasing at full price, so it was an easy buy at half price.
Today I imported my WIP files and tried to separate and sort them in a way that might maximize the benefits of Scrivener.
It's an interesting process.
By it's nature writing is creative. But to develop a worthwhile novel, it takes much more structured discipline and organization than you would think. Even the most free flowing and organic stories need an almost mathematical formulated foundation.
So far Scrivener is helping with that; forcing my flighty right hemisphere to listen to my anal left hemisphere for once. I love the layout, the simplicity and functionality of it. I love the way it looks, the way it moves. I love the layers of explanation I can add. It's been a good process to review my WIP and pick up the scent of where the story was headed.
And that's why there's no procrastination involved. At all.
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