Soooo, I'm an SLP and a writer and a crazy cat lady restricted by my unreasonable husband who has limited us to two felines... but first I'm a Momma.

My four monsters are now 11, 10, 8 and 8 and just finished grades 6, 4, 3 and 2. (My 8s are virtual twins, which isn't reference to a cyber existence but the fact that they are two months apart born in 2005 and 2006). Summer's here! I love summer with them! We pick adventures to do around the province, we stroll the waterfront, we hit the candy store, we chillax at home for pj and movie days... but I don't get my writing days to myself. Sometimes I'll sneak into my writing spot while they trash the house but it's not quiet and calm and productive.
So, today starts two months of searching for writing time. I've given up for today, though, and we're heading to
The Ovens for our first summer adventure as soon as the pre-teen rises from his slumber.
Happy SUN!
I think you should take a road trip to NL this summer... just sayin'