Sunday, May 25, 2014

Monday - Everything BUT a Writing Day

So last night I went to bed at 7:18. No shit. I was going to read but I was out cold by 8:00. I know! I slept through until 9:00, except for my morning ritual of letting my favourite pup out to pee and feeding him at his requested breakfast time of 6:15. Now I'm undoing all that good rest by staying up late puttering around cyberspace. I figured it was as good a time as any to do my Monday blog since tomorrow is shaping up to be anything but a writing day.

Remember when Elliot got hit in the eye with a hockey stick? He's got an appt tomorrow am at 7:45 to make sure it's all good. It is his eye, I guess, but man that's early. Especially since I'm still up and it's past 10:00. Then, just to make things interesting, Jack has an ortho appt at 10:15 in Dartmouth. If everyone plays nice I should be able to get E back to school in time to collect Jack and get him over the bridge in time... but I've got my folkses on standby to pick Jack up and meet me if I'm cutting it close.

Monday's the day I pick the Munsters up early from school to get them to music class and then onto Swimming. We'll hit the library too, which reminds me that they probably don't know where their library books are. Sigh. THAT is why we haven't used the library to it's full potential as yet, I'm sure it would be cheaper to buy new books than to pay the fines we're going to rack up.

So not much work will be done on the WIP tomorrow. I finished Charlie's Story - a companion short we're going to publish as an ebook - wait, is it an ebook if it's not a full book? eSomething. It was fun to dip back into that. I haven't been able to read Game Plan since it was published, too scared maybe? I dunno. But the short is a rewrite of the Halloween party from Charlie's POV, which means I had to look into the book to get the parts that overlap with Ella's story right. I'm hoping those who have read Game Plan will like it and those who haven't will come away from the story wanting to read more!


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#GoodDay Reviews

Charlie's Story on Wattpad

Game Plan on Wattpad

Nine on Wattpad

My other Distraction