Friday, May 02, 2014

Writing day and pseudo-review

Happy, relieved, settle-back-into-the-couch, I-made-it sigh, it's Friday.

This week seemed looooong. Not bad, not different... work went well, my kids did well, we didn't have 1000 appts, just about 100, but Monday seems like forever ago. I'm happy it's Friday.

One thing I did this week that I'd never done before is read The Fault in Our Stars. I confess, I am a bandwagon reader. I've read all the trending ones - Twilight, Hunger Games, Divergent, 50 Shades, Harry Potter (does he really count as a trend? That's just brilliance I think)... so yes, I picked up The Fault in Our Stars knowing it was 'trendy' and sad. I was skeptical because I'm not convinced that ALL of the trending books really earn the millions of readers on writing quality. That's a polite way to say it, isn't it? So I went into The Fault in Our Stars with that reservation.

I read it in three days.

I read it at work (not a good idea). I had to stop every few paragraphs to look up at the ceiling to keep my composure b/c I was expecting a client any minute.

I am a sucker for emotional books, I cry easily if it's sad. What is amazing about THIS book, though is the way it is terribly sad but not melodramatic, not tacky or manipulative or sentimental. It even pokes fun at that typical way of yanking heart strings. The kid-aged characters who are both victims of cancer are precocious and verbose but still kids, flawed, scared teenagers - not pedestal riding saints. And the love story is real.

I loved every page. It's the kind of book that makes me say, "Gee, I wish I could write like that."

So jump on the wagon and check it out.


1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I was going to read that one next, but a friend sent me her book to read. I really want to get to it before the move comes out--mostly because I don't want the commercials and such to color my enjoyment of the book, as the Twilight sensation did!


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#GoodDay Reviews

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