Friday, October 18, 2013


How's this for a post:

There's not much to say after that is posted!!! I love it! I love the colours, I love the bball. I love the puppy who has a small but recurring role in the story. I love the font of the title and my name. If you zoooom up you can see a review by Tish Cohen. Can you believe that? Tish Cohen. She used words like 'poignant' and 'achingly' and 'Game Plan' all in the same place.

You can still pre-order a book at the Indiegogo Campaign. With just over a week to go we've surpassed our goal and are charging forward!


Friday, October 11, 2013

News!!! Um... coming.

I've been alluding to super cool news lately and a lot of things are happening. It's so exciting to see the release unfold - plans for the release party, the final editing from the copy editor, the cover reveal, blog tours, review requests... so exciting.

I can give you a tidbit. You know that part on the cover of a book where someone who knows what they're talking about gives a once sentence review to encourage you to buy it? That's a blurb. And I didn't know the process of obtaining that before - I just figured someone wrote a review and whomever made the cover picked a part of that to put on the cover... not so. My publisher identified someone in the field who would have clout and asked them if they'd read and provide a blurb - that's how it's done. At least this time. I can't tell you who, or what she said. My mean publisher (who's name rhymes with 'mean') says I can say 'soon' but I argued that a timeline would provide anticipation so she said 'a few weeks' which isn't really my definition of soon. 'Snot my fault.

So stay tuned b/c it's freakin' amazing. Soon. Ish.


Monday, October 07, 2013

Strange Dream

The other night I had a very detailed dream about a different kind of family and the circumstances they encountered... I was aware enough that it was a dream that I thought to myself "I need to remember this, it would make an awesome book!" but not aware enough to know how rediculous (I'm going with that spelling) the whole thing was, how terrible a book it would make. I woke up excited to make note of the story... but as each detail was remembered I realized just how lame the whole thing was. Silly me.

It's Monday again. I get to spend the early part of the day with my computer, my cats and dog and my M&Ms (though disappointingly they are peanut, not plain or peanut butter). I'm wearing my Fierce Reader tshirt for extra inspiration. Great day ahead!


Friday, October 04, 2013

HUGE news

So I found out something super cool on Wednesday. It might be the MOST exciting thing to find out since I found out Fierce Ink Press wanted to publish my story. But it's still top secret. That's mean isn't it? I hate it when people say "I know something you don't know". Snotty. But it's not my secret to tell yet! I tell you, those people at Fierce Ink Press SEEM nice but they're actually really, really scary. They know where my kids live.

What I can tell you is the Indiegogo campaign is less than $500 away from our goal! So awesome! If you want to pre-order Game Plan you can go here to do it!


Tuesday, October 01, 2013

PD Day...

Mondays and Fridays are my writing days. To make up for those two days I work three long days at my clinic on T/W/Th. But Monday and Friday are also prime PD Day choices and when the kids are off, well, not much writing gets done.

Yesterday I worked in the morning and then did some grocery shopping. Steve was off so the kids were with him. Then he took the kids to music and swimming so I had the whole afternoon to pluck at my computer. See? what would I do without him? I did some good work with my UntitledSecondStory.

The Indiegogo campaign is creeping up, over 55% of the funding goal! If you haven't seen it, there is a video of my girlies interviewing me that is pretty cute. Well half cute - their half! Now that it's October 1 I can say Game Plan will be out NEXT MONTH!


#GoodDay Reviews

Charlie's Story on Wattpad

Game Plan on Wattpad

Nine on Wattpad

My other Distraction