Friday, April 18, 2014

Finally Friday

Writing day Fridays... happy sigh. Kids are home today for Easter. We're having a lazy pj and screens day - not ALL day but a good chunk of relaxation. We're on the go so much, school, sports, music... when we have a down day I like to soak it up. So we're watching Good Luck Charlie and I'm going to  attack my USB - UntitledSecondBook that was declined last week. (By the way, I've chosen to use 'declined' in place of 'rejected'). The decline-tion (doesn't work in all contexts) included good suggestions and direction but I've got to figure out how to apply it to what I've got.  It's not straight forward... feedback says 'this isn't working' and it's up to me to figure out how to make it work. That how gets harder the more times a manuscript is edited and reviewed. USB has been through a couple of edits on my part, an editor, and then an edit with his suggestions so the big problems have been ironed out... the smaller ones are harder to tease out and fix.


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